Kentucky News

Kentucky moving toward more holistic approach to substance abuse treatment

By Mark Vanderhoff, Reporter | WLKY


Kentucky has developed a comprehensive strategy for combatting substance abuse treatment, and the $842 million in legal settlements with pharmaceutical companies and distributors could help fund key components.

That’s according to key figures who spoke to state lawmakers on Thursday in Frankfort.

One lesson from the past decade is that jail and treatment alone are not enough, said Dr. Katie Marks, director of the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort.

“Recovery is maybe the most exciting piece to talk about because it’s not just about the reduction in use, the cessation of use,” she said. “It’s about that opportunity for employment and stable housing and connecting back with your community and family.”

Other speakers discussed a concept known as “Recovery Ready Communities Initiative,” a way for local cities and counties to gauge the services they offer.

The Kentucky Judicial Commission on Mental Health also spoke about ways to help people in the legal system get help for substance abuse, mental health or intellectual disabilities.

Those additional services for those in recovery require money, of course.