Kentucky News

Horse tranquillizer increasingly common in opioid overdoses, Kentucky poison control says

By Reyna Katko | July 12, 2023 

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) — The U.S. is seeing an alarming increase in opioids laced with xylazine, a tranquillizer for horses and other animals.

Kentucky has had more than a handful of xylazine overdoses, and, to make matters worse, xylazine is resistant to Narcan and other medicines used to reverse overdoses in emergency situations.

“Gone are the days when you can trust your drug dealers,” said Dr. Peter Akpunonu, Kentucky Poison Control’s medical director.

Like other cutting agents, xylazine benefits dealers: It’s often cheaper and easier to get than fentanyl. Chinese websites sell a kilogram for $6 to $20, no prescription required. Chemicals used to produce fentanyl can cost $75 or more per kilogram.