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Kentucky General Assembly Adopts Resolutions to Address Social Determinants of Addiction Recovery

Resolutions urge a more comprehensive approach to addiction treatment and long-term recovery

FRANKFORT, Ky. – RECON KY, a statewide coalition committed to helping more Kentuckians reach long-term recovery, applauds the General Assembly for adopting resolutions to recognize the Social Determinants of Addiction Recovery. The resolutions, introduced by Senate President Robert Stivers and Representative Adam Bowling, were adopted March 11, 2021 and highlight the need for a more comprehensive, person-centered approach to addiction treatment and recovery—something that has become even more important given the pandemic’s impacts on mental health and substance use.

The resolutions urge Kentucky legislators, public officials, treatment providers and other stakeholders to work together to better address the social determinants of addiction recovery, including:

  • Effective and accessible health care to treat physical, mental and behavioral health
  • Employment and educational opportunities
  • Safe and affordable housing
  • Transportation for treatment and to support recovery
  • Childcare to encourage workforce participation and stop the cycle of addiction

By ensuring access to all these services, advocates say more Kentuckians will be able to achieve long-term recovery.

“As we continue to address one public health crisis, we cannot overlook another that has continued to devastate many Kentucky families and communities,” said Senate President Robert Stivers. “While we have made great strides in reducing stigma around addiction and connecting people with treatment and resources, our work is still cut out for us in addressing all the social determinants of recovery. My fellow legislators and I remain committed to ensuring that Kentuckians struggling with substance use disorders have the comprehensive tools, resources and education they need to lead healthy, productive lives.”

“Substance use disorder is a complex and deadly disease that doesn’t discriminate based on race, age, income or zip code. That’s why it’s so important to bring treatment, prevention and recovery services to Kentuckians in all parts of the state,” said Rep. Adam Bowling. “Addiction has negatively impacted Kentucky families and communities for far too long, but I’m confident that we can work together to bridge the gaps in our recovery systems and put more Kentuckians on the path to lifelong recovery.”

“If we are serious about combating addiction in our communities, we need to ensure Kentuckians can access the wide-ranging services and supports needed to achieve long-term recovery,” said Tim Robinson, president and CEO of Addiction Recovery Care (ARC) and founding member of RECON KY. “From childcare and job training, to transportation and housing, we should be doing everything we can to set up Kentuckians in recovery for success.”

“When it comes to addiction recovery, we must prioritize long-term outcomes over short-term results. Education, job training and stable employment are critical parts of the equation,” said Beth Davisson, vice president of workforce development for the Kentucky Chamber. “By working together and combining our resources, we can enact meaningful change to support Kentuckians in recovery who deserve a second chance.”

The resolutions can be found at the links below.

RECON KY, a consortium for recovery in Kentucky, brings together stakeholders from all parts of the treatment system. Our mission is to advocate for a comprehensive, long-term approach to recovery that addresses the social determinants of addiction, while strengthening treatment and mental health services to better serve all Kentuckians. For more information, please visit reconky.org.