Kentucky News

Addiction recovery groups discuss fighting substance abuse at Drug Summit

By Chandler Wilcox

HARLAN, Ky. (WYMT) – Addiction recovery specialists are faced with a new monster, fentanyl, which they say was responsible for 73% of drug overdose deaths last year.

Groups came together in response for a Drug Summit in Harlan, where hours of education with moments of emotional pleas took the stage.

The long, hard-fought war has gotten tougher recently since the introduction of fentanyl, a drug the CDC says is 10 times more potent than heroin and could be anywhere.

“Fentanyl has also been found in cocaine. It’s been found in methamphetamine. Fentanyl’s everywhere, and it doesn’t take much to take a life,” Van Ingram, Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy Executive Director, said.