National News

Addiction Recovery Care’s unique approach to addiction treatment

Amelia Ickes | Wednesday, July 26th, 2023  Kentucky recently ranked first in adult access to mental health, but fourth in drug overdose rates across the United States. Among the organizations addressing this disparity is Addiction Recovery Care, which offers the full continuum of addiction treatment across its 19 residential centers and 11 outpatient centers. Its first[Read More…]

Health: Providers still hesitate to prescribe buprenorphine for addiction, despite ‘X-waiver’ removal

By Lev Facher | July 21, 2023 Significant challenges remain before most American clinicians feel comfortable treating patients with buprenorphine, according to a new study. While the federal government’s recent moves to deregulate buprenorphine have led to a bump in new prescribers, it didn’t lead to a significant bump in overall prescribing volume. Many[Read More…]