
‘This is an illness that does not discriminate’: Campaign seeks to reduce stigma around addiction in Eastern Kentucky

A new campaign has made its way to Eastern Kentucky. The ‘Art Reducing Stigma’ campaign seeks to provide a place for people affected by the opioid epidemic to tell their own stories and “humanize” addiction. “I think a lot of people don’t realize that this is an illness that does[Read More…]

Research Finds Decline in Drug Overdose Mortality Rates in Eastern Kentucky Counties

Researchers at the University of Kentucky Center of Excellence in Rural Health (UK CERH) and the Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis at the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago have released a report detailing the findings of a study conducted to understand possible factors that contribute to Eastern Kentucky[Read More…]

Gov. Beshear Signs Recovery-related Bills into Law

With another legislative session behind us, below is a recap of the criminal justice and recovery-related reforms that passed. All bills listed here have been signed into law by Governor Beshear. For more information on specific bills, please visit the Kentucky LRC website. Senate Bill 51, sponsored by Sen. Ralph Alvarado, removes prior[Read More…]

In Focus: Kentucky Chamber on Push to Establish ‘Recovery Ready Communities Across the Commonwealth

A new bill making its way through the General Assembly is aimed at making Kentucky communities “Recovery Ready” — and it already has the support of some of the state’s leading treatment providers and recovery advocates, including the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. The legislation, House Bill 7, is sponsored by[Read More…]

General Assembly Considers Criminal Justice Reforms, Legislation to Address Addiction Crisis

Legislation is already moving quickly through the Kentucky General Assembly. House Bill 7, Rep. Bowling’s legislation to create Recovery Ready communities, was voted out of committee last week and now heads to the House floor. You can send a message to your legislators and urge them to vote YES on[Read More…]

Time for Kentucky to Create “Recovery Ready” Communities

FRANKFORT, Ky. – December 14, 2020 – Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, substance use in Kentucky has been on the rise, exacerbating an already serious addiction crisis that has taken thousands of lives and impacted many more. In response, Rep. Adam Bowling has pre-filed legislation to encourage a more comprehensive approach to[Read More…]