Tag: COVID-19

Minorities Hit Hardest by Alcohol-Related Deaths During First Years of COVID-19

By Lisa Rapaport Alcohol-related mortality rates climbed most among individuals who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native, followed by Black and Hispanic people, a new study finds. The surge in alcohol-related deaths during the peak months of the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionality hit certain racial and ethnic groups, including Black and Hispanic people[Read More…]

Kentucky among top states where overdose deaths have spiked during COVID-19 pandemic

Deborah Yetter at the Courier-Journal reports that drug overdoses in Kentucky rose by 50 percent between September 2019 and September 2020. During the same timeframe, drug overdose deaths increased nationwide by nearly 30 percent. Treatment providers and recovery advocates point to job loss and pandemic-related stress and anxieties. According to[Read More…]